Getting back in the flow
“Take a deep breath, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again.”
Back to the mat
Starting or restarting a routine can be so challenging. I am currently dealing with this as I try to get back in the flow of my personal yoga practice. It has been 8 weeks since I had our daughter but it has been closer to 16 weeks since I have done an asana/movement practice. I listened to my body and my doctors and rested prior to her birth and then after my cesarean to allow my body to heal. Though medically I am ready to gently resume my practice, there is fear there that I will go too hard too soon.
I am competitive by nature and always have been. I am most competitive with myself which can be great and motivating. But it can also result in injury and set backs. I am my own biggest cheerleader and my own fiercest competition. It is a hard balance to navigate but my yoga practice is actually what gives me that balance.
Always a practice
As I slowly and gently resume the more physical aspects of my yoga practice, I am reflecting on how important it is to check expectations at the door and just simply meet myself honestly where I am without judgement. I am not the same mentally or physically as I was prior to our daughter’s arrival so I should not expect my practice to be the same.
My practice is just that … mine. It should not be compared to anyone else’s nor should it be compared to my own practice at any other time. Each time I come to my practice, whether it has been years, months, weeks, days, or hours, I have different needs and experiences. These needs and experiences will impact all aspects of my practice on and off the mat and will never be exactly the same.
This is where I find balance and peace.
Finding peace
These lessons of peace I find in my yoga practice, can help me find peace in all areas of my life, especially when things do not meet expectations. I can find peace in the now, in how and what I practice in this moment - not yesterday or tomorrow. Learning to acknowledge the challenges can move me closer to finding peace.
In my experience, peace does not come from ignoring, pushing past, or dwelling on the challenges (mental or physical) you face but from knowing that when I take even the tiniest steps to face and acknowledge these challenges I am making progress on my journey. And this journey, ultimately, is not about where I am going but more importantly what I learn about myself on the way.
What will you find?
Through yoga, we can work together to design a practice so you too can begin to find peace mentally and physically as you make this journey. I can support you on this journey by guiding you to an empowering and sustainable practice that serves you and your specific needs and goals.
Each session can be tailored to your needs that day to help you take that next step on your journey beyond injury, dysfunction, and pain.
Still not sure yoga is right for you?
Let’s schedule a free intro call today and chat about what your needs and goals are to see if private yoga sessions with me are right for you.
Send me a message (here) today to take the next step on your personal journey to wellness.